10p025.5 - SOFT TARGETS Exclusive Preorder Packages on Sale Now!
The AM-PM guy is bleeding on the floor, the city cops are kicking in the swinging door, I look around I know my f$%&ing life is done, It's time to have some fun
Hails, Tenebrous Cult,
Matt here to let y’all know that our exclusive SOFT TARGETS package is on sale now ‘til the end of February!
Preorder the SOFT TARGETS “Tidal Reality” package here.
If all you’re after is the book, minus the snazzy add-ons, those preorders begin March 1st. But, if you’ve been poking through your stuff, thinking, “Hey! I don’t have enough shirts or hot beverage receptacles in my life,” then by golly, read on.
The SOFT TARGETS “Tidal Reality” Package includes:
Print copy of SOFT TARGETS, signed by author Carson Winter
eBook copy of SOFT TARGETS
T-shirt—your choice of Straight Cut or Tank Top—featuring Blacky Shepherd's interior artwork and a design that Alex and I cannot stop cackling at because we’re apparently sick in the head.
Coffee mug. But check this out: these space-age contraptions hold other liquids too! Kahlua and coffee; whiskey and coffee; decaf coffee; things that don’t even have coffee in them! Welcome to the goddamn future!
Exclusive 4”x3” sticker and fancy deluxe bookmark.

You know that office bromance: two of a kind, always taking their lunch together, always wearing the same sly grin. Only ever a hair away from a cold joke about how spreadsheets are a living hell; about taking a bullet if it means going home early on Friday. Sometimes in these fantasies, they’re heroes being hauled out on a stretcher.
Sometimes they’re the ones pulling the trigger.
Now, say these guys discover a loophole that makes some days less real than others—less permanent—and start to act out their violent fantasies without fear of reprisal. Why shouldn’t they? Tomorrow, everything will go back to normal, with no one the wiser but them.
They’ll always remember what it felt like to act on their basest impulses. They’ll know how it could feel to do it again.
Maybe you don’t know these guys. Maybe you don’t want to.
SOFT TARGETS is a reality-bending novella about malignant malaise; the surrender to violence; and the addictive appeal of tragedy as entertainment.
Contains graphic depictions of gun violence in the workplace; caution recommended.
About the Author:
Carson Winter is a minimalist weirdo, a conversational absurdist, and a vehemently bleak-minded artist making his home in the Pacific Northwest. His fiction has appeared in Vastarien, Apex, and Dread Stone Press’ Split Scream series. You can find him on Twitter @CarsonWinter3 or at carsonwinter.com.
Praise for SOFT TARGETS:
"Carson Winter has crafted a stunning, darkly funny, and intensely disturbing look into the psyche of two young men barely getting by. At times, it feels like Fight Club for a new generation. Other times, it feels like the evening news…will make you laugh, cry, gasp, and scream HOLY SHIT."
Joshua Hull (Screenwriter, GLORIOUS)
“A cautionary tale about the dangers of staring too long into the abyss and becoming self-righteously in love with your own pain. Winter gives us a narrative that is truly transgressive—it's shocking because it reveals something fundamentally wrong with reality, a level of normalized sickness and violence that we put out of our minds to function in the day-to-day. The result is a story that is haunting, stomach churning, and will sit with you for a long, long time when you're done.”
“Soft Targets is a story about the power of friendship—a sickly force unmoored from reality. Steeped in alienation and despair, Winter skillfully details this diseased folie à deux until it finally ruptures.”
Andrew F. Sullivan (Author, THE MARIGOLD and THE HANDYMAN METHOD)
“A brutal heartbreaking work that takes aim at the ever-encroaching loneliness and alienation embedded in contemporary capitalist society. Winter never flinches in the telling of the tale, masterfully leading readers to an explosive and emotional conclusion.”
SOFT TARGETS by Carson Winter is out everywhere March 22nd, but the Tidal Reality is now.
Preorder the SOFT TARGETS “Tidal Reality” package here.
Hail Indie Horror.
Hail the 10p Cult.
Matt & Alex